Teachers directory

kaddour kamel
Senior Lecturer Class B
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
: kaddour.kamel@univ-guelma.dz, kamel.kaddour72@gmail.com
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Bennacer Leila
Senior Lecturer Class A
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and the Universe
: bennacer.leila@univ-guelma.dz, benacerlaila@yahoo.fr
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Lecturer Class B
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and the Universe
: aissani.fatine@univ-guelma.dz
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marniche hamdi
Senior Lecturer Class A
Faculty of Economics, Trade and Management Sciences
: marniche.hamdi@univ-guelma.dz, hamdi-23@live.com
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OULMI Mohamed Lakhdar
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
: oulmi.mohamed@univ.guelma.dz, oulmimed@yahoo.fr, oulmimed@gmail.com
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Ferkous Yasser
Senior Lecturer Class A
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
: ferkous.yasser@univ-guelma.dz
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yakhlef Marwa
Lecturer Class B
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and the Universe
: yakhlef.marwa@univ-guelma.dz
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Bouteldja Meryem
Senior Lecturer Class B
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and the Universe
: bouteldja.meryem@univ-guelma.dz, bouteldja2021meryem@gmail.com, meryem.bouteldja@yahoo.fr
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Senior Lecturer Class B
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and the Universe
: malek.insaf@univ-guelma.dz, insaf13malek@gmail.com
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Touati Hassen
Lecturer Class B
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and the Universe
: touati.hassen@univ-guelma.dz, touati-hassen@hotmail.com
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